Ok so yeah we have to do this thing about internet safety which I absolutely hate. It is officially my least fave subject EVER! Brings back bad memories... anyways... yeah so...
Ok, important to check your myspace and facebook accounts. My sis did a project on websites like them and found out loads of freaky stuff. Turns out my setting meant that anyone at my school had access to all my photos! This is not too bad but you could find out that all people you went on some random holiday with like, 4 years ago know where you live so yeah. Also on myspace they have this thing where they track what you search for on goole and what you buy on amazon and then tailors the adverts it shows you. Not sure how this is bad but kind of freaky huh? There is a way you can change your privacy settings so that it does not do it.
Ok and yeah, youtube, do not put people you know on youtube without their permission because you get in trouble and it sucks.
I guess the most obvious things are DO NOT put info about yourself on the net and DO NOT talk to strangers.
Yeah I have to go to this appointment thing soon so hoping I do not have to do any more work now. Just going to try and keep looking busy until I get to go in like 27 mins. Wonder why this site is not blocked at school but mydeardiary.com is... that site rocks!
G xx